OpenCMISS-Zinc C++ API Documentation
The OpenCMISS::Zinc namespace. More...
Classes | |
class | Context |
The context is the primary object created for each instance of Zinc. More... | |
class | Differentialoperator |
Describes the derivative of a field to evaluate. More... | |
class | Elementbasis |
A set of basis functions that can apply over an element of a given dimension. More... | |
class | Element |
A single finite element from a mesh. More... | |
class | Elementtemplate |
A description of element shape and field definitions. More... | |
class | Elementiterator |
An iterator for looping through all the elements in a mesh. More... | |
class | Mesh |
A finite element mesh consisting of a set of elements of fixed dimension. More... | |
class | MeshGroup |
A subset of a master mesh. More... | |
class | Meshchanges |
Object describing changes to a mesh in a fieldmoduleevent. More... | |
class | Field |
Base field type: an abstraction of a mathematical field. More... | |
class | Fielditerator |
An iterator for looping through all the fields in a fieldmodule. More... | |
class | FieldAlias |
A specialised field type creating a local alias. More... | |
class | FieldAdd |
A field where the which adds the components of source_field_one and source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldPower |
A field where the which calculates the components of source_field_one raised to the power of the components in source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldMultiply |
A field where the which multiplies the components of source_field_one and source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldDivide |
A field where the which divides the components of source_field_one by source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldSubtract |
A field which gives the result of subtracting source_field_two from source_field_one. More... | |
class | FieldLog |
A field where the field components are the natural logarithm of each component in the source field. More... | |
class | FieldSqrt |
A field where the field components are the square root of each component in the source field. More... | |
class | FieldExp |
A field where the field components are the natural exponent of each component in the source field. More... | |
class | FieldAbs |
A field where the field components are the absolute value of each component in the source field. More... | |
class | Fieldcache |
Cache for setting domain locations at which fields are evaluated or assigned. More... | |
class | FieldIdentity |
A field with the single source field. More... | |
class | FieldComponent |
A field returning a single component of a source field as a scalar. More... | |
class | FieldConcatenate |
A field which concatenates the components of all source fields, in order, into a single vector. More... | |
class | FieldIf |
A conditional field with the same number of components as each of the source_fields. More... | |
class | FieldConstant |
A field with the components specified in the array values. More... | |
class | FieldStringConstant |
A string constant field with the supplied string value in <string_constant>. More... | |
class | FieldCoordinateTransformation |
A field which performs a coordinate transformation from the source field values in their coordinate system type into the coordinate system type of this field. More... | |
class | FieldVectorCoordinateTransformation |
A field which performs a coordinate transformation of vectors from their original coordinate system and coordinate positions, to the coordinate system of this field. More... | |
class | FieldDerivative |
A field returning the derivative of the field with respect to element xi_index as its primary value. More... | |
class | FieldCurl |
A field returning the curl of vector_field at location given by coordinate_field. More... | |
class | FieldDivergence |
A scalar field returning the divergence of vector field within coordinate field. More... | |
class | FieldGradient |
A field returning the curl of vector_field at location given by coordinate_field. More... | |
class | FieldFibreAxes |
A "fibre axes" field type which returns a 9-component (3 x 3 vector) field representing an orthonormal coordinate system which is rotated by 3 Euler angles supplied by a fibre field. More... | |
class | FieldFiniteElement |
A real-valued field defined by element basis. More... | |
class | FieldEmbedded |
A field returning a value of a source field at an embedded location. More... | |
class | FieldFindMeshLocation |
A field that computes the location in a mesh. More... | |
class | FieldNodeValue |
A field which represents and returns node values/derivatives. More... | |
class | FieldStoredMeshLocation |
A field storing locations within a mesh. More... | |
class | FieldStoredString |
A field which stores and returns string values at nodes. More... | |
class | FieldGroup |
A generic group field used for grouping local subobjects. More... | |
class | FieldImage |
An image-based field giving the pixel colour/intensity values. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterBinaryDilate |
A field performing ITK binary dilate image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterBinaryErode |
A field performing ITK binary erode image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterBinaryThreshold |
Image processing derived field type performing the ITK binary threshold filter. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterCannyEdgeDetection |
A field returning result of ITK canny edge detection filter on the source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterConnectedThreshold |
A field performing ITK connected threshold image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion |
A field performing ITK curvature anisotropic diffusion image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterDiscreteGaussian |
Image processing derived field type performing the ITK discrete gaussian filter. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterHistogram |
Image processing derived field type performing the ITK histogram field. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian |
A field performing ITK gradient magnitude recursive gaussian image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterRescaleIntensity |
A field performing ITK rescale intensity image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterMean |
A field performing ITK mean image filter on source_field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterSigmoid |
A field performing ITK sigmoid image filter on scalar source field image. More... | |
class | FieldImagefilterThreshold |
Image processing derived field type performing the ITK threshold filter. More... | |
class | FieldAnd |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one AND source_field_two is non-zero, 0 otherwise. More... | |
class | FieldEqualTo |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one EQUALS that component of source_field_two, 0 otherwise. More... | |
class | FieldGreaterThan |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one is greater than the component value in source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldLessThan |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one is less than the component value in source_field_two. More... | |
class | FieldOr |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one OR source_field_two is non-zero, 0 otherwise. More... | |
class | FieldNot |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of the source_field is zero, 0 otherwise; effectively a component-wise logical not operator. More... | |
class | FieldXor |
A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one OR source_field_two is non-zero (but not both), 0 otherwise. More... | |
class | FieldDeterminant |
A field returning the scalar real determinant of a square matrix source field. More... | |
class | FieldEigenvalues |
A field returning the N eigenvalues of symmetric N*N component source field. More... | |
class | FieldEigenvectors |
A field returning the N, N-dimensional eigenvectors computed with the source eigenvalues field. More... | |
class | FieldMatrixInvert |
A field returning the inverse of N*N symmetric matrix valued source field. More... | |
class | FieldMatrixMultiply |
A field returning the values resulting from matrix multiplication <source_field1> x <source_field2>, with <number_of_rows> rows in both <source_field1> and the result. More... | |
class | FieldProjection |
A projection field returning the result of a matrix multiplication with perspective division on the source field vector. More... | |
class | FieldTranspose |
A field returning the transpose of N*M matrix source_field. More... | |
class | Fieldmodule |
Container/manager of fields and domains within a region. More... | |
class | Fieldmoduleevent |
Information about changes to fields and other objects in the field module. More... | |
class | Fieldmodulecallback |
Base class functor for field module notifier callbacks. More... | |
class | Fieldmodulenotifier |
Manages individual user notification of changes with a field module. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetSum |
A field which computes the sum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetMean |
A field which computes the mean of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetSumSquares |
A field which computes the sum of the squares of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetMeanSquares |
A field which computes the mean of the squares of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetMinimum |
A field which computes the minimum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldNodesetMaximum |
A field which computes the maximum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined. More... | |
class | FieldSceneviewerProjection |
A field whose values are the 4x4 transformation matrix mapping coordinates between two scene coordinate systems for a scene viewer. More... | |
class | FieldElementGroup |
A field which defines a subset of elements from a master mesh. More... | |
class | FieldNodeGroup |
A field which defines a subset of nodes from a master nodeset. More... | |
class | FieldTimeLookup |
A field whose value equals the source_field evaluated at the time given by time_field, overriding any time prescribed for field evaluation. More... | |
class | FieldTimeValue |
A field which returns the current time from the supplied time keeper. More... | |
class | FieldSin |
A field where the components are the sine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldCos |
A field where the components are the cosine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldTan |
A field where the components are the trigonometric tangent value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldAsin |
A field where the components are the arcsine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldAcos |
A field where the components are the arccosine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldAtan |
A field where the components are the arctangent value (using radians) of the components of the source_field. More... | |
class | FieldAtan2 |
A field where the components are calculated using the atan2 c function, so that the angle returned (in radians) is the angle between a positive x axis in a plane and the vector (x,y) where x is the source_field_one component and y is the source_field_two component. More... | |
class | FieldCrossProduct |
A vector field which is the cross product of the source_fields. More... | |
class | FieldDotProduct |
A scalar field whose value is the dot product of the two supplied source fields, which must have equal numbers of components. More... | |
class | FieldMagnitude |
A scalar field returning the magnitude of the vector source field. More... | |
class | FieldNormalise |
A field returning the values of source vector field normalised to unit length. More... | |
class | FieldSumComponents |
A field which has one component equal to the sum of all components of the source field. More... | |
class | Font |
Font object controlling attributes of rendering text. More... | |
class | Fontmodule |
Module managing all fonts. More... | |
class | Glyph |
A glyph is a static graphics object used to visualise a point in space. More... | |
class | GlyphAxes |
A specialised glyph type which renders 3-D axes. More... | |
class | GlyphColourBar |
A specialised glyph type which draws a cylindrical colour bar. More... | |
class | Glyphmodule |
Module managing all glyphs. More... | |
class | Graphics |
Base graphics type: produces 3-D graphics visualising domains and fields. More... | |
class | GraphicsContours |
The contours derived graphics type. More... | |
class | GraphicsLines |
Lines visualise 1-D elements in the model. More... | |
class | GraphicsPoints |
Points graphics visualise discrete locations in the model. More... | |
class | GraphicsStreamlines |
Streamlines visualise the path of a fluid particle tracking along a vector field. More... | |
class | GraphicsSurfaces |
Surfaces visualise 2-D elements in the model. More... | |
class | Graphicslineattributes |
Attributes object specifying how lines are visualised. More... | |
class | Graphicspointattributes |
Attributes object specifying how points are visualised. More... | |
class | Graphicssamplingattributes |
Graphics attributes object specifying how points are sampled in elements. More... | |
class | Material |
Zinc materials specify colouring of graphics. More... | |
class | Materialmodule |
Module managing all materials. More... | |
class | Node |
Point object used to represent finite element nodes. More... | |
class | Nodetemplate |
A description of field parameters to define at a node. More... | |
class | Nodeiterator |
An iterator for looping through all the nodes in a nodeset. More... | |
class | Nodeset |
A set of nodes or points. More... | |
class | NodesetGroup |
A subset of a master nodeset. More... | |
class | Nodesetchanges |
Object describing changes to a nodeset in a fieldmoduleevent. More... | |
class | Optimisation |
A description of a non-linear optimisation problem. More... | |
class | Region |
A hierarchical block/namespace owning domains and fields. More... | |
class | Scene |
Container/manager for graphics visualising a region. More... | |
class | Scenefilter |
Scene filters determines which graphics are drawn. More... | |
class | ScenefilterOperator |
An operator OR or AND specific scene filter type. More... | |
class | Scenefiltermodule |
Module managing all scene filters. More... | |
class | Scenepicker |
Utility object for picking graphics and model objects. More... | |
class | Sceneviewerevent |
Information about changes to fields and other objects in the scene viewer. More... | |
class | Sceneviewercallback |
Base class functor for Sceneviewer notifier callbacks: More... | |
class | Sceneviewernotifier |
Manages individual user notification of changes with a scene viewer. More... | |
class | Sceneviewer |
The Zinc sceneviewer is responsible for rendering the graphical Scene. More... | |
class | Sceneviewermodule |
Module object for creating and managing scene viewers. More... | |
class | Sceneviewerinput |
Describes a mouse event for processing by the sceneviewer. More... | |
class | Selectionevent |
Information about changes to the selection group in the scene. More... | |
class | Selectioncallback |
Base class functor for Selection notifier callbacks: More... | |
class | Selectionnotifier |
Manages individual user notification of changes to the selection group. More... | |
class | Spectrumcomponent |
Maps a single component of a data field to colour in a spectrum. More... | |
class | Spectrum |
Zinc Spectrum maps values of graphics data fields to colours. More... | |
class | Spectrummodule |
Module managing all spectrums. More... | |
class | Streamresource |
A description of a resource for reading from or writing to. More... | |
class | StreamresourceFile |
A derived streamresource describing a file. More... | |
class | StreamresourceMemory |
A derived stream resource describing a block of memory. More... | |
class | Streaminformation |
Base type listing resources and options for stream I/O. More... | |
class | StreaminformationImage |
An image-specific stream information object. More... | |
class | StreaminformationRegion |
A region-specific stream information object. More... | |
class | Tessellation |
The tessellation controls the number of polygons or line segments. More... | |
class | Tessellationmodule |
Module managing all tessellation objects. More... | |
class | Timekeeper |
The timekeeper synchronises a current time across Zinc objects. More... | |
class | Timekeepermodule |
Module for finding and managing timekeepers. More... | |
class | Timenotifierevent |
Information about changes to the timekeeper/time. More... | |
class | Timenotifiercallback |
Base class functor for Timenotifier callbacks. More... | |
class | Timenotifier |
Description of timing requirements and for setting up time callbacks. More... | |
class | TimenotifierRegular |
A derived timenotifier type which requests notifications at regular intervals. More... | |
class | Timesequence |
A non-decreasing list of times at which nodal parameters can be stored. More... | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
bool | operator== (const Element &a, const Element &b) |
bool | operator== (const Mesh &a, const Mesh &b) |
bool | operator== (const Field &a, const Field &b) |
FieldAdd | operator+ (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldMultiply | operator* (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldDivide | operator/ (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldSubtract | operator- (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldLog | log (const Field &sourceField) |
FieldSqrt | sqrt (const Field &sourceField) |
FieldExp | exp (const Field &sourceField) |
FieldAbs | abs (const Field &sourceField) |
FieldAnd | operator&& (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldGreaterThan | operator> (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldLessThan | operator< (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldOr | operator|| (const Field &operand1, const Field &operand2) |
FieldNot | operator! (const Field &operand) |
bool | operator== (const Fieldmodule &a, const Fieldmodule &b) |
bool | operator== (const Node &a, const Node &b) |
bool | operator== (const Nodeset &a, const Nodeset &b) |
bool | operator== (const Region &a, const Region &b) |
bool | operator== (const Scene &a, const Scene &b) |
bool | operator== (const Timesequence &a, const Timesequence &b) |
The OpenCMISS::Zinc namespace.
This is the OpenCMISS::Zinc namespace, all libZinc cpp APIs are in this namespace.
Enumerated type for identifying scene and window coordinate systems. Graphics are drawn in one of these coordinate systems.
Generic status codes returned by API functions to indicate success or error.
WARNING: Planned future binary compatibility break. At a future date we will change the value of OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK to 0, and OpenCMISS::Zinc::ERROR_GENERAL to some other value, to bring the Zinc API in to line with common C API conventions. To maintain your source compatibility through this break please ensure all code checking integer status codes returned by functions compare against enumerated symbol names, not their current values.