Version 0.07.x

Hair ball test by Artur Brinkmann

Extreme motion blur

Motion blur tests

Instanced Ajax model with glass shader and bokeh

Alien queen (
model) with physical sun/sky

Wireframe shader and ambient occlusion

Autodesk Maya exporter in action

Instancing demo - 33M triangles

Cloth simulation by Jinnah Yu (Quicktime: 760Kb)

Cloth simulation by Jinnah Yu (Quicktime: 945Kb)

Test Blender animation with Sun/Sky model (Quicktime: 427Kb)

Menger sphere (vote

Particle aggregation 01 (vote

Particle aggregation 02 (vote

Particle aggregation 03 (vote

Particle aggregation 04 (vote

Julia quaternion fractal

Gumbo bezier patch model with varying tesselation

Teapot bezier patch model with varying tesselation

Instanced procedural hair spiral with IBL

Procedural hair spiral with ambient occlusion
Version 0.06.x

Knex Men (by Hafunui)

Pool balls - HDRI and DOF (

WinOSI test. Path tracing & caustics photons (by

Intertwined shapes (modeled in

High genus shape (modeled in

KD-Tree visualization of the Stanford Bunny (obj dump)
Version 0.05.x

Bronze figure (3d scan by

XSI Exporter Demo (get it

Katana by Ciprian Ceteras

Renault Scenic by Ciprian Ceteras

Architectural interior by

Diablo with ambient occlusion (by Andreas Kreisig)

Ambient occlusion teapots

Progressive rendering (Quicktime: 7.97Mb)

Blender DOF and caustics test

Blender GI test

XYZRGB dragon

XYZRGB Thai statue

Architectural model with IBL

DOF, GI and caustics

Motion blur test (Quicktime: 3.56Mb)

Menger Sponge (depth 5)

XYZRGB dragon (7.2M tris)

XYZRGB Thai statue (10M tris)
Version 0.03

Cornell box, Over-sampling

Over-sampling density

Cornell box, Under-sampling

Under-sampling density
Version 0.02

Cornell box with caustics

Diffuse cornell box

Underwater cornell box

Ring caustic

Jensen's cognac glass
Version 0.01

Cornell box with direct illumination