Written by: Hayley Reynolds Date: 30 March 2005 This directory contains all the files of the completed muscle volumes for the upper limb: ie. shoulder, forearm and hand; as well as the skin mesh for the whole body (excluding the head). The node and element files of each muscle have been offset by the number recorded in the spreadsheet 'muscle.gnumeric' given in the ~/visible_human_images/spreadsheets directory. This is also recorded in the 'batch_modify-offset.sh' file The following files can be read into cmgui to view the various muscles: - view_all.com - view_extensors.com (forearm extensor muscles) - view_flexors.com (forearm flexor muscles) - view_hand.com - view_zinc.com (used to develop ZINC web interface, is a modified view_all.com file) as the names suggest, each .com files reads in the corresponding bones and muscles appropriate to the name. ie. view_extensors reads in all the forearm extensor muscles and relevant bones.